# fluentX - Fast, fluent, simple web builder. Inspired by jQuery, but not selecting query anymore, just create it. ## Usage ```ts import { $ } from 'fluentx' const $app = $('app').content([ $('h1').content('Hello World!') ]) document.body.append($app.dom) // render $app ``` ## Forget HTML, create any element just like this ```ts $('a') ``` ## Yes, Fluent Method. ```ts $('h1').class('amazing-title').css({color: 'red'}).content('Fluuuuuuuuuuuuent!') ``` ## Router? I got you. ```ts const router = new Router('/') // example.com .addRoute(new Route('/', () => 'Welcome to your first page!')) // example.com/user/anyusername .addRoute(new Route('/user/:username', (params) => { return $('div').content([ $('h1').content(params.username) ]) })) .listen() // start resolve pathname and listen state change ``` ## Single Page App ```ts $.anchorPreventDefault = true; $.anchorHandler = (url) => { router.open(url) } $('a').href('/about').content('Click me will not reload page.') ``` ## Insert element(s) with condition ```ts // Example 1 $('div').content([ $('h1').content(params.username), // conditional params.username === 'admin' ? $('span').content('Admin is here!') : undefined ]) // Example 2 $('div').content([ $('h1').content(params.username), params.username === 'alien' ? [ // the elements in this array will insert to
when conditional is true $('span').content('Warning'), $('span').content('You are contacting with alien!') ] : undefined ]) ``` ## Replace or Insert ```ts $('div').content(['1', '2', '3']) // 123 .content(['4']) // 4 // content method will replace children with elements .insert(['5', '6', '7']) // 4567 // using insert method to avoid replacement .class('class1, class2') // class1, class2 // class method is replacement method .addClass('class3') // class1, class2, class3 // using addClass method ``` ## Multiple element builder ```ts $('ul').content([ // create 10
  • element with same content $.builder('li', 10, ($li) => $li.content('Not a unique content of list item!')) // create
  • element depend on array length $.builder('li', [ // if insert a function, // builder will callback this function after create this
  • element ($li) => $li.css({color: 'red'}).content('List item with customize style!'), // if insert a string or element, // builder will create
  • element and insert this into
  • 'List item with just text', $('a').href('/').content('List item but with a link!') ]) ]) ``` ## Element builder with function ```ts // This is a template function that return a
    element function UserCard(name: string, age: number) { return $('div').content([ $('h2').content(name), $('span').content(`${bio} year old`) ]) } // A user data array const userDataList = [ { name: 'Amateras', age: 16 }, { name: 'Tsukimi', age: 16}, { name: 'Rei', age: 14}, { name: 'Ichi', age: 14}, ] // This function will create 10 UserCard element with same name and age // Using tuple [Function, ...args] to call function with paramerters $.builder([UserCard, 'Shizuka', 16], 100) // This function will create UserCard with the amount depend on array length $.builder( UserCard, userDataList.map(userData => [userData.name, userData.age])) // Same result as (prefer) userDataList.map(userData => UserCard(userData.name, userData.age)) ```