import { $EventManager } from "elexis"; import { $Route, $RoutePathType } from "./$Route"; import { $View, $ViewOptions } from "@elexis/view"; export interface $RouterOptions extends $ViewOptions {} export class $Router extends $View { #base: string = ''; routes = new Map<$RoutePathType, $Route>(); static routers = new Set<$Router>(); static events = new $EventManager<$RouterEventMap>().register('stateChange') static navigationDirection: $RouterNavigationDirection static historyIndex = 0; static url = new URL(location.href); private static scrollHistoryKey = `$ROUTER_SCROLL_HISTORY`; constructor(options?: $RouterOptions) { super({tagname: 'router', ...options}); $Router.routers.add(this); } base(): string; base(pathname: string): this; base(pathname?: string) { return $.fluent(this, arguments, () => this.#base, () => { this.#base = pathname ?? this.#base }) } map(routes: OrMatrix<$Route>) { routes = $.orArrayResolve(routes); for (const route of routes) { if (route instanceof Array); else { this.routes.set(route.path(), route); } } this.resolve(); return this; } protected resolve(): Promise<$RouterResolveResult> { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!location.pathname.startsWith(this.#base)) return resolve($RouterResolveResult.NotMatchBase); const locationPath = location.pathname.replace(this.#base, '/').replace('//', '/') // /a/b const locationParts = locationPath.split('/').map(path => `/${path}`); const find = () => { const matchedRoutes: {deep: number, $route: $Route, params: {[key: string]: string}, pathId: string}[] = [] for (const [routePathResolve, $route] of this.routes) { const routePathList = $.orArrayResolve(routePathResolve); for (const routePath of routePathList) { let deep = 0, params = {}; if (routePath.startsWith('#')) { // multiple route path will set the first path as pathId if (routePath === location.hash) return {deep, $route, params, pathId: routePathList[0]}; else continue; } const routeParts = routePath.split('/').map(path => `/${path}`) if (locationParts.length < routeParts.length) continue; for (let i = 0; i < routeParts.length; i ++) { if (routeParts[i].startsWith('/:')) { deep++; Object.assign(params, {[routeParts[i].replace('/:', '')]: locationParts[i].replace('/', '')}); continue; } else if (routeParts[i] === locationParts[i]) { deep++; continue; } else { break; } } // route path with params will set the locationPath as pathId matchedRoutes.push({deep, $route, params, pathId: Object.keys(params).length === 0 ? routePathList[0] : locationPath}) } } return matchedRoutes.sort((a, b) => b.deep - a.deep).at(0); } const $routeData = find(); if (!$routeData) return resolve($RouterResolveResult.NotFound); const {$route, params, pathId} = $routeData; if (pathId === this.contentId) return resolve($RouterResolveResult.OK); // current route'rendered', ({nextContent, previousContent}) => { if (previousContent instanceof $Route)'closed'); if (nextContent instanceof $Route)'opened'); resolve($RouterResolveResult.OK); }); if (!this.viewCache.get(pathId)) { const $buildedRoute = ${params}); this.setView(pathId, $buildedRoute); } this.switchView(pathId); }) } static init() { if (!history.state || 'index' in history.state === false) { const state: $RouterState = { index: $Router.historyIndex } history.replaceState(state, '') } else { $Router.historyIndex = history.state.index } $Router.navigationDirection = $RouterNavigationDirection.Forward; $Router.resolve(); window.addEventListener('popstate', () => $Router.popstate()); window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { this.setScrollHistory(this.historyIndex, location.href, document.documentElement.scrollTop) }) history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; return this; } static open(url: string | URL | undefined) { if (url === undefined) return this; url = new URL(url); if (url.href === this.url.href) return this; this.historyIndex++; history.pushState($Router.historyState, '', url); this.stateChange($RouterNavigationDirection.Forward); $Router.resolve(); return this; } static back() { this.historyIndex--; history.back() this.stateChange($RouterNavigationDirection.Back); return this; } static replace(url: string | URL | undefined) { if (url === undefined) return this; if (typeof url === 'string' && !url.startsWith(location.origin)) url = location.origin + url; history.replaceState($Router.historyState, '', url); this.stateChange($RouterNavigationDirection.Replace); $Router.resolve(); return this; } protected static popstate() { const direction: $RouterNavigationDirection = history.state.index > $Router.historyIndex ? $RouterNavigationDirection.Forward : history.state.index < $Router.historyIndex ? $RouterNavigationDirection.Back : $RouterNavigationDirection.Replace $Router.historyIndex = history.state.index; $Router.stateChange(direction); $Router.resolve(); } protected static async resolve() { await Promise.all([...$Router.routers.values()].map($router => $router.resolve())); this.scrollRestoration(); } protected static get historyState() { return { index: $Router.historyIndex, } } protected static stateChange(direction: $RouterNavigationDirection) { const beforeURL = this.url; const afterURL = new URL(location.href); this.url = afterURL; $'stateChange', {beforeURL, afterURL, direction}) $Router.navigationDirection = direction; } protected static setScrollHistory(index: number, url: string, value: number) { const record = this.getScrollHistory() if (!record) return sessionStorage.setItem(this.scrollHistoryKey, JSON.stringify({[index]: {url, value}})); record[index] = {url, value}; sessionStorage.setItem(this.scrollHistoryKey, JSON.stringify(record)); } protected static getScrollHistory() { const data = sessionStorage.getItem(this.scrollHistoryKey); if (!data) return undefined; else return JSON.parse(data) as $RouterScrollHistoryData; } protected static scrollRestoration() { const record = this.getScrollHistory(); if (!record) return; document.documentElement.scrollTop = record[this.historyIndex]?.value ?? 0; } } enum $RouterResolveResult { OK, NotFound, NotMatchBase } export enum $RouterNavigationDirection { Forward, Back, Replace } interface $RouterState { index: number } export interface $RouterEventMap { 'stateChange': [{beforeURL: URL, afterURL: URL, direction: $RouterNavigationDirection}] } interface $RouterScrollHistoryData {[index: number]: {url: string, value: number}} $Router.init();